Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pandemic, Pregnancy, & Prayers

I was looking forward to this week for months...

This week, I was going to meet my family at the airport to pick up my sister who was returning from her mission in Germany. Then I would spend the rest of the week in Logan enjoying time with my sister who I hadn't seen in 18 months and be with my family for General Conference weekend. 

This week, we were also looking forward to sharing the exciting news of us expecting our first child. We were thankfully still able to do this, but it was not the joyous announcement I was hoping for. 

This week had other plans for us... 

Teancum got sick and tested positive for COVID-19. He was having almost all of the symptoms of the virus and we knew that it was very contagious. So we did everything we could to keep me from catching it, especially since I'm pregnant. We quarantined away from each other for almost a week and I was not showing any symptoms, but I went and got tested anyway. Even though I was asymptomatic, I tested positive. This meant two more weeks of quarantine...

Teancum's symptoms began to worsen. He was having trouble breathing and frequent severe fevers. He ended up going to the emergency room where they ran some tests and did a breathing treatment, then eventually sent him home with some medication and an inhaler. Unfortunately, none of the remedies they gave him were helping and his symptoms continued to get worse. On Monday of this week, it got really bad. He wasn't eating, he couldn't breath, and he had to drive himself back to the hospital. After more tests, he was taken by ambulance to Utah Valley Hospital as the COVID had caused pneumonia. They had caught it just in time, but we had no idea how long he would have to stay in the hospital. Because I tested positive also, I couldn't be up there with him and no one could come be with me. We both were pretty much alone. 

At this point, I was feeling extremely overwhelmed. I was already sick in the first trimester of my first pregnancy and now I was having to worry about this virus that had just put my husband in the hospital. I also wasn't going to be able to meet my family at the airport to pick up my sister or spend any time in Logan. I felt sad and angry and hopeless. I was worried about Teancum. He didn't even have a change of clothes or a toothbrush! And I was worried about the stress all of this was causing me and our baby. I had already said more prayers in the last few days than I think I've said in my life, but in a moment of complete hopelessness, I said the most fervent prayer I'd ever offered. After, I felt just a small sense of peace. It would still take some time, but I knew everything was going to be ok. 

Teancum ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days and 2 nights as they treated his pneumonia and other symptoms. Those 3 days felt like 3 weeks. After the first night, I knew we had to get him at least a change of clothes so he could be somewhat comfortable. The hospital would not allow us to send him anything that came from our home since we had both tested positive for COVID. So if we wanted to get him anything, it had to be brand new. I couldn't go anywhere to get him anything new, so I had to rely on others for some help. My mom had a prompting to call a friend who just so happened to be in the Utah County area for the day. She was able to pick up some things for me and get them to Teancum. His mom was also able to go up and get him some new clothes. Special shoutout to both of our moms during this week. From bringing food every day to staying on the phone with me for hours just so I wouldn't be lonely, they are amazing and we wouldn't have survived without them. 

The next problem we had to solve was how to get Teancum home from the hospital. Since we'd been quarantined away from each other, I didn't think I would be able to go pick him up and we didn't want to put anyone else at risk. But when the time came for him to be released, his doctor said that since I had already contracted most likely the same strain of the virus that Teancum had, I wasn't at risk of catching any of his symptoms. So I was actually able to go pick him up from the hospital. He came home with an oxygen tank and will have to continue using oxygen as needed for a while, but he is on the mend. 

The recovery process is going to be slow and though this week did not turn out how I had hoped, there were so many tender mercies and blessings that took place: 

  • I didn't and still don't have any symptoms of COVID. 
  • We still have a growing baby
  • My sister made it home safely and I will still get to see her, eventually
  • Teancum is recovering, slowly but surely
  • Technology- wouldn't have survived without Facetime
  • We both have jobs that have allowed us to work from home while we're quarantined
  • SO many people checking in on us daily and offering help and prayers. 
I want to thank ALL of our family members, friends, and neighbors who have reached out to us via phone calls & messages, have brought meals & treats, mowed our lawn, picked up our groceries and have just offered prayers on our behalf. Your help has been greatly appreciated and your prayers have been heard and felt. 
We are still quarantined for another week, but are hopeful for a full recovery and looking forward to the future. 💓

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Women In Our Lives

To all who have wonderful and influential women in their lives, please read.
This is NOT a feminist post... I hope I can sufficiently put my thoughts into word.

As I've considered the events of the last few months of my life, the fact that we celebrated the 175th Anniversary of the organization of the Relief Society in the church, and just had the General Women's meeting, the important women in my life have been on my mind. I want to tell you about these women and how they have influenced me to become the woman I am today.

First of all, my mother Helen. The first and possibly the most important woman in a person's life is their mom. And I think I have a pretty good one. My mom has taught me to be independent and how to care for a family and home properly. She has been a stay at home mom raising 7 kids and continues to be a champion homemaker. She's one of the best cooks I know and manages to balance schedules of kids in a wide range of ages and activities. I think I can speak for all of my siblings when I say she's our biggest fan. I've always had total support from both my parents and still continue to now.  For the last year, my mom has also been the primary caregiver for her mother, my grandmother, as her health declined in her old age. It takes a special kind of person to do the things my mom did for my grandmother. I've learned from my mother's actions and faith how to be a righteous member of the church and strengthen my testimony through service. My mother is a selfless, sensitive, supportive and loving woman, and I am honored to be her daughter.

One of the great things about getting married is getting another mom! I got a good one. My mother-in-law, Wendy, has not only been an influential part of my life while I've been married, but she was also my third grade teacher and my neighbor for many years. She has taught me the importance of hard work, perseverance, and being prepared. I asked my husband how important his mom is to him and this is what he had to say, "My mom sacrificed a lot and worked hard to make sure me and my brother had everything we needed. She got me to where I am today and I can't thank her enough."
And I can't thank her enough for raising such a wonderful man. As a single mother of two strong willed boys, my mother-in-law had to work very hard and go through a lot of heartache to get where she is today. She does so much for the people she loves, without expecting anything in return. I'm so grateful to have a hard-working, selfless, Disney-loving, other mother in my life.

On October 23, 2016, my family lost a dear mother, grandmother, and friend. Yvonne Grover Cox was a woman of strength, perseverance, and love. She worked hard and did all she could for her family right up until the end. She lost an almost 4 year battle with cancer, but not once did she complain. Grandma Cox taught me the value of work and to always keep a positive attitude. Through years of pain and heartache, I don't think I ever heard her speak a negative word or complain about immense pain she was feeling. She cared  for each person in her family and always made you feel important. I think about her often and miss her dearly, but I'm so grateful to have a heavenly angel watching over me. 

On March 9, 2017, Leah Dunford Parkinson Christensen passed away peacefully in her home surrounded by her family. Another dear mother, grandmother, aunt, and friend that always put people first. Grandma Leah would say, "I don't sing, or dance, or play an instrument, my only talent is loving people." And she truly did. From Grandma Leah, I learned the importance of education and being a woman of strength in the workplace. She was a well educated businesswoman who put her whole heart and soul into her work. She loved helping people and was a prominent part of many lives. You were always the most important person to Grandma. The impact of her love of people became very apparent at her recent funeral when hundreds of people, from near and far, showed up to pay their respects. She lived a long and full life that I am blessed to have been a part of. She will be missed by many, but I'm grateful to have another angel grandmother.

I am proud to carry the names of both of my wonderful grandmothers, TaLeah Yvonne Cox Faumui, and hope I can continue their legacy of love.  

I can't talk about the women in my life without mentioning my sister, Emma. I am pretty lucky to have a sister amongst 5 little brothers. We have become very close in the last few years and I'm grateful for the relationship we have now. Emma is maturing into a beautiful and wonderful woman and I love watching her grow. Emma knows how to be a great friend and keep a positive attitude. Her world was turned upside down when our family decided to move from our childhood home during her sophomore year of high school, to a bigger and far away place. She faced this experience head on and has made countless new friends and immersed herself completely in the new place. I know it has been hard for her, but she has done it with a smile on her face and a determination to be her best self. I admire her so much for that.

Last, but certainly not least, I have to mention all of my aunts, cousins, and friends that have been influential women in my life. I can always count on them to be there when I need them and provide extra love and support. I love each and every one of you!

Sister Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President, spoke of "certain" women in the recent General Women's meeting. She told of certain women in the scriptures and during the time of the Restoration. She also told us of the certain women in our lives that influence us for good through their true discipleship and sacrifices. I know for certain that all of the women in my life are among those great disciples.

Former Young Women general president Margaret D. Nadauld taught: “The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity.”

I am so eternally grateful for the tender, kind, refined, and faithful women in my life. I wouldn't be the woman I am today without their influence and love. Thank you to all the wonderful women of the world and I hope we can strive every day to emulate their attributes. We need more women like them.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Snow College - A Hidden Treasure

Hi all! It's been a minute! As I'm sure all of you understand, life is busy and I haven't had any time to keep up on this blog. Being in school full time, working, and teaching lessons can really take up a lot of your day! Today however, I felt that I needed to write this post. I hope you will enjoy.

Growing up in the little town of Ephraim, Utah, life was good. I haven't ever felt like I could call another place home. And thus far in my 21 years of life, I haven't had to. After high school, there was a short time that I thought I would leave Ephraim and pursue my education elsewhere. But, there was something about the small junior college in my home town that nudged me to stay. This little junior college in little old Ephraim is Snow College.

Snow College is a two-year institution offering certificates and associates degrees in a number of areas, along with a four-year nursing program and a Bachelor's degree in music. I have had the wonderful opportunity of being a student and an employee at this institution over the course of a few years. I worked in the Financial Aid office, was a part of the President's Leadership Team-working with two Snow College presidents, I received my Associate of Arts degree, and I am currently pursuing the Bachelor's of Commercial Music degree. The experiences I've had at Snow College are immeasurable. I can't even begin to tell you how much love and gratitude I have for the people and the place that is Snow College. It's provided countless opportunities for me that I know I couldn't get anywhere else. But sometimes I take it for granted.  I want to tell about an experience I had recently that made me realize how truly blessed I am to be a part of such a wonderful place.

Last week, I attended the annual Snow College Founder's Day Concert. I went with a friend who is from out of town and who just started school at Snow. Before the concert, I had a chance to talk to the current Snow College president, Gary Carlston, as well as the previous president, Scott Wyatt. Both of which I have the privilege of knowing personally from working as a PLT. We had pleasant conversations, then I proceeded into the concert hall to find a seat. My friend, Alicia, arrived and we both settled in to enjoy the concert. We watched and listened to the various groups perform intricate pieces of musical repertoire. All through the concert, I could hear Alicia gasp in amazement at the talent and ability of the musicians. At one point I looked over and her mouth was wide open in awe at what we were experiencing. She would say things like, "Are you sure these are all Snow College students?" and "I've never heard such great music from amateurs!". I basked in her enjoyment and my heart swelled as I realized, I am a part of this wonderful program! It's pretty tough, and you have to work really hard, but I get to study with some of the best musicians in the country and I get to experience first hand the artistry and professionalism of this fantastic music program! I am so lucky!

I have been to countless Snow College concerts, but this was Alicia's very first. When the wonderful splendor had ended, Alicia said to me, "How do so few people know about this?? Everyone should come to Snow College just for the music!" Shortly after, I had the chance to introduce Alicia to President Carlston. She expressed her amazement of the concert to him to which he replied very proudly, "Snow College is one of those hidden treasures that only a few lucky people find. But we hope that more will have a chance to discover it."

I'd have to agree with a Alicia and President Carlston that everyone should come to the hidden treasure that is Snow College. Snow College is the only school in the United States to have a partnership with the Julliard School in New York City. It is also an all Steinway school, which means it has only the highest quality pianos. They have employed only the best professors and staff who will help guide you through the whole process of higher education. You will get to study and learn everything you need to know to be a successful musician and performer. That being said, if you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a working musician, there's no other place you should go. And even if you're not planning to study music, I can guarantee you will get the highest quality education at Snow College in any area you study.

The day after the Founder's Day Concert, I had another opportunity to reflect on my great experiences at Snow College as I represented the school and the music program at a Utah Music Teachers Association conference at Weber State University. I got to be in the midst of many music teachers and students to answer questions and tell them about how great Snow College is.  This was another wonderful chance for me to realize how lucky I am to be where I am, and hopefully recruit some future students!

Now, Snow College may not be for everyone, and most Snow College students might not be as lucky as I have been in my experiences here, but I can promise that if you go to Snow College, you won't regret it.  I wanted this post to be somewhat of a recruiting prod, but also a thank you to all of my professors, leaders, employers, and friends at Snow College. I am so grateful for the experiences I've had and I look forward to many more as I continue my education at Snow College.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Happy Birthday to me! - 21 Before 21

It has been a while since my last post! Life is busy, but I thought it was about time to blog something... So hopefully this will be as entertaining to read as it was to do!

Last week was my 21st birthday! Woo!... I'm still young!... In my opinion, a person's birthday should be a special day! It's one day out of 365 days in a year that you get to celebrate YOU! But people always tell me that as you get older, your birthdays become less significant. You even start to forget about your birthdays! Well, I am here to tell you that this will not happen to me. Someone once told me that you should celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. Because even the smallest stone dropped in the largest river has a rippling effect. So, I was determined to make my 21st birthday milestone a day to never be forgotten.

I got this idea from a good friend who is serving an LDS mission in North Carolina. It was almost her birthday and she decided that she was going to make a bucket list of 20 things she could do before she turned 20. I really liked this idea so I personalized it and came up with a list of 21 things I could do before I turned 21! I gave myself a week to do all 21 things on my list, and I'm proud to say that I accomplished every one of them! Here's how it went:

21 Before 21

1. Try something new
I tried a new painting technique.

2. Eat something new
Tried Waffle Love for the first time... Delicious!

3. Start a new journal.
For a few years I have been giving my journals names and then writing in them as if I'm writing a letter to a person. This one is named Eloise.
4. Make something pretty.
This is becoming easier because I recently started working at a flower shop. So I get to make something pretty every day!
5. Have a virgin drink.
My sweet coworkers helped with this. We had Shirley Temples on my birthday!
6. Wear something ridiculous.
Again, help from my coworkers! ha they gave me birthday necklaces, a shot glass necklace, and a tiara to wear for the rest of the day.
7. Turn off social media for 24 hours.
Harder than I thought! Made me realize how attached I am to my phone!
8. Go to a show.
Husband win on this one. He took me to a show at Desert star. They do spoof musicals so we saw "My Valley Fair Lady". Hilarious and a great time with my man.

 9. Thank your family and tell them you love them.
I need to do this more often.
10. Random act of kindness.
I left one of the pretty things I make on someone's doorstep with an anonymous note.
11. Make 3 new goals.
Hoping to get these done in the next year.
12. Color on a new canvas.
I tried a foam cup.
 13. Play the piano.
Felt good to be tickling the ivories again!

14. Go to a new place.
I got to go to the new Provo City Center Temple open house. It's beautiful!
15. Buy something ridiculous.
A shirt that I'll probably never wear!
16. Jump in a puddle.
Surprisingly refreshing!
17. Dance in the dark.

Something I need to do more often. It's therapeutic.

18. Condition then shampoo.
Not something I would do often, but it was an interesting experiment!

19. Make friends with a stranger.
Her name was Carol.

20. Spend 21 minutes outside.

21. Take a 21 minute power nap.

This list was so fun to create and accomplish! It along with a surprise lunch from my coworkers, an evening out with my husband, and dinner with my best friend and her husband, made for the most memorable birthday yet! Here's to year 21 and MANY more memorable birthdays.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sparkling Christmas Decor

I'm FINALLY sharing my home Christmas decorations! Of course I always helped my mom decorate the family home for the holidays, but this year I got to decorate my own home. And I had so much fun doing it! Thanks to having a December/Christmas wedding, I had almost everything I needed to decorate, but I did make some fun new decorations to add to my stash. Because I had decorations in all the same colors, I decided to stick with a theme for my décor. Lots of sparkly blue, silver, and gold...

So here is my "Sparkling Christmas" home décor!

The piano is a recent addition to our home and I am so excited to have it tuned up so I can start playing! Of course a beautiful instrument must be decorated! Adorned with a lighted garland, gold and silver flowers, and vases of gold, blue and silver ornaments.

Sticking with the theme, the entertainment center is decorated with a lighted garland wrapped in a snowflake bow, vases of blue ornaments, candles, and nativity Willow Tree.

The mantle was the hardest place for me to decorate, but I think it turned out nice! This was the spot that needed some DIY decorations. (instructions below) Decked out with silver tinsel, handmade cone trees, Christmas cookie candles, globe, small presents, nativity block, and a handmade ornament wreath.

Cone trees and Ornament wreath

Cone trees-
Mine are covered with small gold balls, silver fabric, hot glue and paint.

Ornament Wreath-
Tip: Experiment with ornament size. I used ornaments that were all similar in size, but it would be easier to make with both small and large ornaments.

In my opinion, the tree is the most important part of Christmas decorating. All I've ever known is an 8' live evergreen, so this year was a bit disappointing with my 4' pre-lit fake tree. But I will admit, it is an adorable little tree! Decorated with blue, gold, and silver balls and a gold flower on the top. Above the tiny tree is a handmade burlap banner.

Finally, no holiday home would be complete without a little mistletoe.
Hoping to steal a kiss or two! :)

Now giving tours!
Just kidding... But really, anyone is welcome to come see! I had a great time decorating my house for my favorite holiday and I look forward to many more years of home décor!

Merry Christmas and happy decorating!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

First of all, Happy National Cookie Day! To celebrate, I've got a cookie recipe for you that's yummy and festive. If you like the combination of mint and chocolate then these cookies are definitely for you! And even if you don't like this duo, I think you'll still love these delicious green cookies. These have become one of my favorite holiday treats and they are SO easy to make! And who doesn't love the smell of cookies baking? Especially Christmas cookies! The recipe comes straight from Betty Crocker.

Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yields: approx. 36 cookies


1 pouch Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix

1/2 Cup butter (softened)

1/4-1/2 tsp mint extract

6-8 drops green food color

1 egg

1 cup crème de menthe baking chips

1 cup chocolate chips

  • 1. Heat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, stir cookie mix, butter, extract, food color and egg until soft dough forms. Stir in creme de menthe baking chips and chocolate chips.
  • 2. Using small cookie scoop or teaspoon, drop dough 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
  • 3. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until set. Cool 3 minutes; remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Serve warm or cool completely. Store tightly covered at room temperature.



Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Holy Holiday Movies!

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Ahhh I love Christmastime! I can't even say it enough! There are SO many great things to love about this time of year, but one of my favorite things is definitely holiday movies. I literally start watching Christmas movies the moment Halloween ends and then basically watch one a day until December is over! This year, I've got quite a list and I have already made a pretty big dent in it. Hopefully I'll finish by January 1st!
Now, I love all of the wonderful classics like Frosty, Rudolf, and The Grinch, so I save those for last, but I also love the cheesy, sappy Hallmark movies that just make you feel good. It doesn't matter if it's an old classic or a movie that nobody's heard of, all of these films really help get you in the Christmas spirit and usually have great messages to share. Plus you can watch most of them on Netflix or ABC Family!

So here's my list of holiday movies! Happy watching and Happy Holidays!

                                                              HOLIDAY MOVIES
  • Christmas Crush (Netflix)
  • The Mistletones (Netflix & ABC Family)
  • Christmas Bounty (Netflix & ABC Family)
  • Christmas Kiss (Netflix)
  • Holiday Engagement (Netflix)
  • I'll Be Home For Christmas (Netflix)
  • The 12 Dates of Christmas (Netflix and ABC Family)
  • Holidaze (ABC Family)
  • Dear Santa (Netflix)
  • Christmas Cupid (ABC Family)
  • Snowglobe (ABC Family)
  • Snow and Snow 2 (ABC Family)
  • Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular (Netflix)
  • Christmas Angel (Netflix)
  • Christmas Cards (Netflix)
  • Christmas With the Kranks (Netflix)
  • Holiday in Handcuffs (ABC Family)
  • Trading Christmas
  • Home Alone
  • Home Alone 2-Lost in New York
  • Mrs. Miracle
  • Jack Frost
  • Mickey's Christmas Carol
  • Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (Netflix) 
  • Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (Netflix)
  • Snowed in at the House of Mouse (Netflix)
  • Prep and Landing
  • Miracle on 34th Street
  • A Christmas Story
  • A Christmas Carol 
  • The Santa Clause trilogy
  • National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
  • Barbie and the Nutcracker
  • How the Grinch Stole Christmas
  • Charlie Brown Christmas
  • Eloise at Christmastime
  • The Polar Express
  • Elf
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
  • Santa Clause is Coming to Town
  • Frosty the Snowman
  • Twas the Night Before Christmas
  • Arthur's Perfect Christmas
What are some of your favorite Holiday movies? Share them with me!