Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Happy Birthday to me! - 21 Before 21

It has been a while since my last post! Life is busy, but I thought it was about time to blog something... So hopefully this will be as entertaining to read as it was to do!

Last week was my 21st birthday! Woo!... I'm still young!... In my opinion, a person's birthday should be a special day! It's one day out of 365 days in a year that you get to celebrate YOU! But people always tell me that as you get older, your birthdays become less significant. You even start to forget about your birthdays! Well, I am here to tell you that this will not happen to me. Someone once told me that you should celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. Because even the smallest stone dropped in the largest river has a rippling effect. So, I was determined to make my 21st birthday milestone a day to never be forgotten.

I got this idea from a good friend who is serving an LDS mission in North Carolina. It was almost her birthday and she decided that she was going to make a bucket list of 20 things she could do before she turned 20. I really liked this idea so I personalized it and came up with a list of 21 things I could do before I turned 21! I gave myself a week to do all 21 things on my list, and I'm proud to say that I accomplished every one of them! Here's how it went:

21 Before 21

1. Try something new
I tried a new painting technique.

2. Eat something new
Tried Waffle Love for the first time... Delicious!

3. Start a new journal.
For a few years I have been giving my journals names and then writing in them as if I'm writing a letter to a person. This one is named Eloise.
4. Make something pretty.
This is becoming easier because I recently started working at a flower shop. So I get to make something pretty every day!
5. Have a virgin drink.
My sweet coworkers helped with this. We had Shirley Temples on my birthday!
6. Wear something ridiculous.
Again, help from my coworkers! ha they gave me birthday necklaces, a shot glass necklace, and a tiara to wear for the rest of the day.
7. Turn off social media for 24 hours.
Harder than I thought! Made me realize how attached I am to my phone!
8. Go to a show.
Husband win on this one. He took me to a show at Desert star. They do spoof musicals so we saw "My Valley Fair Lady". Hilarious and a great time with my man.

 9. Thank your family and tell them you love them.
I need to do this more often.
10. Random act of kindness.
I left one of the pretty things I make on someone's doorstep with an anonymous note.
11. Make 3 new goals.
Hoping to get these done in the next year.
12. Color on a new canvas.
I tried a foam cup.
 13. Play the piano.
Felt good to be tickling the ivories again!

14. Go to a new place.
I got to go to the new Provo City Center Temple open house. It's beautiful!
15. Buy something ridiculous.
A shirt that I'll probably never wear!
16. Jump in a puddle.
Surprisingly refreshing!
17. Dance in the dark.

Something I need to do more often. It's therapeutic.

18. Condition then shampoo.
Not something I would do often, but it was an interesting experiment!

19. Make friends with a stranger.
Her name was Carol.

20. Spend 21 minutes outside.

21. Take a 21 minute power nap.

This list was so fun to create and accomplish! It along with a surprise lunch from my coworkers, an evening out with my husband, and dinner with my best friend and her husband, made for the most memorable birthday yet! Here's to year 21 and MANY more memorable birthdays.

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