Monday, November 14, 2016

Snow College - A Hidden Treasure

Hi all! It's been a minute! As I'm sure all of you understand, life is busy and I haven't had any time to keep up on this blog. Being in school full time, working, and teaching lessons can really take up a lot of your day! Today however, I felt that I needed to write this post. I hope you will enjoy.

Growing up in the little town of Ephraim, Utah, life was good. I haven't ever felt like I could call another place home. And thus far in my 21 years of life, I haven't had to. After high school, there was a short time that I thought I would leave Ephraim and pursue my education elsewhere. But, there was something about the small junior college in my home town that nudged me to stay. This little junior college in little old Ephraim is Snow College.

Snow College is a two-year institution offering certificates and associates degrees in a number of areas, along with a four-year nursing program and a Bachelor's degree in music. I have had the wonderful opportunity of being a student and an employee at this institution over the course of a few years. I worked in the Financial Aid office, was a part of the President's Leadership Team-working with two Snow College presidents, I received my Associate of Arts degree, and I am currently pursuing the Bachelor's of Commercial Music degree. The experiences I've had at Snow College are immeasurable. I can't even begin to tell you how much love and gratitude I have for the people and the place that is Snow College. It's provided countless opportunities for me that I know I couldn't get anywhere else. But sometimes I take it for granted.  I want to tell about an experience I had recently that made me realize how truly blessed I am to be a part of such a wonderful place.

Last week, I attended the annual Snow College Founder's Day Concert. I went with a friend who is from out of town and who just started school at Snow. Before the concert, I had a chance to talk to the current Snow College president, Gary Carlston, as well as the previous president, Scott Wyatt. Both of which I have the privilege of knowing personally from working as a PLT. We had pleasant conversations, then I proceeded into the concert hall to find a seat. My friend, Alicia, arrived and we both settled in to enjoy the concert. We watched and listened to the various groups perform intricate pieces of musical repertoire. All through the concert, I could hear Alicia gasp in amazement at the talent and ability of the musicians. At one point I looked over and her mouth was wide open in awe at what we were experiencing. She would say things like, "Are you sure these are all Snow College students?" and "I've never heard such great music from amateurs!". I basked in her enjoyment and my heart swelled as I realized, I am a part of this wonderful program! It's pretty tough, and you have to work really hard, but I get to study with some of the best musicians in the country and I get to experience first hand the artistry and professionalism of this fantastic music program! I am so lucky!

I have been to countless Snow College concerts, but this was Alicia's very first. When the wonderful splendor had ended, Alicia said to me, "How do so few people know about this?? Everyone should come to Snow College just for the music!" Shortly after, I had the chance to introduce Alicia to President Carlston. She expressed her amazement of the concert to him to which he replied very proudly, "Snow College is one of those hidden treasures that only a few lucky people find. But we hope that more will have a chance to discover it."

I'd have to agree with a Alicia and President Carlston that everyone should come to the hidden treasure that is Snow College. Snow College is the only school in the United States to have a partnership with the Julliard School in New York City. It is also an all Steinway school, which means it has only the highest quality pianos. They have employed only the best professors and staff who will help guide you through the whole process of higher education. You will get to study and learn everything you need to know to be a successful musician and performer. That being said, if you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a working musician, there's no other place you should go. And even if you're not planning to study music, I can guarantee you will get the highest quality education at Snow College in any area you study.

The day after the Founder's Day Concert, I had another opportunity to reflect on my great experiences at Snow College as I represented the school and the music program at a Utah Music Teachers Association conference at Weber State University. I got to be in the midst of many music teachers and students to answer questions and tell them about how great Snow College is.  This was another wonderful chance for me to realize how lucky I am to be where I am, and hopefully recruit some future students!

Now, Snow College may not be for everyone, and most Snow College students might not be as lucky as I have been in my experiences here, but I can promise that if you go to Snow College, you won't regret it.  I wanted this post to be somewhat of a recruiting prod, but also a thank you to all of my professors, leaders, employers, and friends at Snow College. I am so grateful for the experiences I've had and I look forward to many more as I continue my education at Snow College.

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