Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pandemic, Pregnancy, & Prayers

I was looking forward to this week for months...

This week, I was going to meet my family at the airport to pick up my sister who was returning from her mission in Germany. Then I would spend the rest of the week in Logan enjoying time with my sister who I hadn't seen in 18 months and be with my family for General Conference weekend. 

This week, we were also looking forward to sharing the exciting news of us expecting our first child. We were thankfully still able to do this, but it was not the joyous announcement I was hoping for. 

This week had other plans for us... 

Teancum got sick and tested positive for COVID-19. He was having almost all of the symptoms of the virus and we knew that it was very contagious. So we did everything we could to keep me from catching it, especially since I'm pregnant. We quarantined away from each other for almost a week and I was not showing any symptoms, but I went and got tested anyway. Even though I was asymptomatic, I tested positive. This meant two more weeks of quarantine...

Teancum's symptoms began to worsen. He was having trouble breathing and frequent severe fevers. He ended up going to the emergency room where they ran some tests and did a breathing treatment, then eventually sent him home with some medication and an inhaler. Unfortunately, none of the remedies they gave him were helping and his symptoms continued to get worse. On Monday of this week, it got really bad. He wasn't eating, he couldn't breath, and he had to drive himself back to the hospital. After more tests, he was taken by ambulance to Utah Valley Hospital as the COVID had caused pneumonia. They had caught it just in time, but we had no idea how long he would have to stay in the hospital. Because I tested positive also, I couldn't be up there with him and no one could come be with me. We both were pretty much alone. 

At this point, I was feeling extremely overwhelmed. I was already sick in the first trimester of my first pregnancy and now I was having to worry about this virus that had just put my husband in the hospital. I also wasn't going to be able to meet my family at the airport to pick up my sister or spend any time in Logan. I felt sad and angry and hopeless. I was worried about Teancum. He didn't even have a change of clothes or a toothbrush! And I was worried about the stress all of this was causing me and our baby. I had already said more prayers in the last few days than I think I've said in my life, but in a moment of complete hopelessness, I said the most fervent prayer I'd ever offered. After, I felt just a small sense of peace. It would still take some time, but I knew everything was going to be ok. 

Teancum ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days and 2 nights as they treated his pneumonia and other symptoms. Those 3 days felt like 3 weeks. After the first night, I knew we had to get him at least a change of clothes so he could be somewhat comfortable. The hospital would not allow us to send him anything that came from our home since we had both tested positive for COVID. So if we wanted to get him anything, it had to be brand new. I couldn't go anywhere to get him anything new, so I had to rely on others for some help. My mom had a prompting to call a friend who just so happened to be in the Utah County area for the day. She was able to pick up some things for me and get them to Teancum. His mom was also able to go up and get him some new clothes. Special shoutout to both of our moms during this week. From bringing food every day to staying on the phone with me for hours just so I wouldn't be lonely, they are amazing and we wouldn't have survived without them. 

The next problem we had to solve was how to get Teancum home from the hospital. Since we'd been quarantined away from each other, I didn't think I would be able to go pick him up and we didn't want to put anyone else at risk. But when the time came for him to be released, his doctor said that since I had already contracted most likely the same strain of the virus that Teancum had, I wasn't at risk of catching any of his symptoms. So I was actually able to go pick him up from the hospital. He came home with an oxygen tank and will have to continue using oxygen as needed for a while, but he is on the mend. 

The recovery process is going to be slow and though this week did not turn out how I had hoped, there were so many tender mercies and blessings that took place: 

  • I didn't and still don't have any symptoms of COVID. 
  • We still have a growing baby
  • My sister made it home safely and I will still get to see her, eventually
  • Teancum is recovering, slowly but surely
  • Technology- wouldn't have survived without Facetime
  • We both have jobs that have allowed us to work from home while we're quarantined
  • SO many people checking in on us daily and offering help and prayers. 
I want to thank ALL of our family members, friends, and neighbors who have reached out to us via phone calls & messages, have brought meals & treats, mowed our lawn, picked up our groceries and have just offered prayers on our behalf. Your help has been greatly appreciated and your prayers have been heard and felt. 
We are still quarantined for another week, but are hopeful for a full recovery and looking forward to the future. 💓

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