Sunday, September 20, 2015

The "F's" of Fall

Fall is finally HERE!!! Like most people, I LOVE fall and everything that it brings. The cool weather, the changing leaves, the aroma of pumpkin spice and much more! I want to share with you some of my favorite things about fall and it just so happens that they all start with the letter "F"! So here are my "F's" of fall to get you excited for this great time of year!

Honestly, I  go to football games to see the halftime show... That's just the dancer in me... But, I definitely still enjoy football! It has become a big part of my life and one of my favorite things about fall. I have 3 brothers playing on football teams so I attend their games and get to hear all about their experiences as growing athletes. My husband is very passionate about football and he is a coach at the local high school so I get to go to all of the high school football games. Go Templars! Plus my sister is on the drill team so I can enjoy the halftime show too! So now when fall rolls around, I have Friday nights at the football field to look forward to.


Sweaters, leggings, plaid, boots, scarves, hoodies... I could go on and on about fall fashion! I love it! In my opinion, it should be fall all the time just so I can always wear my favorite clothes! Keep an eye out for some fall fashion tips coming soon from a surprise source!


Probably my absolute favorite thing about fall is eating a nice hot bowl of soup and a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cool fall night. My mom is a wonderful cook and she always knew just what to make for those cool fall nights. She taught me everything I know and I can't wait to start cooking! Stay tuned for lots of tasty recipes for this upcoming fall weather.


Finally, on my list is fall fun! What could be more fun than a four-wheeler ride in the mountains, through the trees covered in beautifully colored leaves? This has to be at the top of my fall fun list. I love seeing all the colors of the changing leaves as the trees prepare for the cold winter. If you haven't ever been in the mountains during fall, definitely put it on your bucket list!

Well there you have it! My "F's" of fall! What are some of your favorite things about fall? I would love to know!
Can't wait for the upcoming fall days!

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