Sunday, September 13, 2015

Hannah Montana Who?... I'm not that old am I?

Well, here's my first blog post! I'm brand new at this so bear with me, but I hope this post will be somewhat entertaining for those of you who are getting older, but are still young at heart.
This first post is dedicated to growing up and growing old. Now I don't consider myself to be that old, really I'm still just a kid, but recently I realized that I am definitely getting older, and it's happening fast! I have experiences all the time that make me realize how fast life happens and how fast you really do grow up! I had an experience like this recently in one of the dance classes I teach.

This particular class was for 4th grade girls, 8-9 year olds. I was searching for music to play for the girls to go across the floor (this means do technique or dance steps while moving across the floor). In my search, I came across a song by my tween self's favorite artist, Hannah Montana. After the small internal excitement died down, I played the song and the other dance assistant and I started singing along. I cranked up the volume and we were jamming out when I noticed the confused looks on the girl's faces.  So I asked them, "Do you know who sings this song?" headshakes and many "No's" ensued... Then, it hit me... These girls are too young to even remember Hannah Montana!.. Wow... I'm not that old am I?? Then I realized, though it seemed like not that long ago, I went to a Hannah Montana concert when I was 12 years old... that was just over 8 years ago... So most of these girls weren't even born yet!!!... Well, I guess I really am that old!...

Now I could go off talking about how great Hannah Montana was and then Miley Cyrus kind of fell apart and now she's just weird, but I won't. I'm just going to hold on to my memories of a young pop star with great music and good morals for teen girls.

This small experience was a good moment for me to realize how fast time goes by. But getting older doesn't mean forgetting things you enjoy! In fact it's those things that keep you young! Getting old is inevitable, but by holding on to young passions like Disney and Hannah Montana, it will keep you young forever.

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